Breaky Mixed Grill with Scrambled Eggs

Move over bacon and eggs, take a seat full English ... the breaky mixed grill is in the house and it's here to satisfy the hungriest of bellies during your breakfast trade.

For a lighter option, our Gourmet Beef Rissole can be replaced with our Breakfast Beef Sausage Patty.


  • Angel Bay Beef Rissole
  • Streaky Bacon
  • Breakfast Sausages
  • Fresh Eggs
  • Milk
  • 2 Tbsp Milk
  • 2 Tbsp Butter
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Sour Dough
  • Side Salad or Baked Beans
  • Olive Oil


  1. Prepare breakfast sausages, bacon and  Angel Bay Beef Rissole according to the product instructions.

  2. While the meats are cooking, prepare your side salad. For a more traditional breakfast menu item, replace the side salad with breakfast beans heated on the stove.

  3. Crack four eggs into a bowl, add 30ml of milk and a pinch of salt and peppter. Beat the mixture lightly.

  4. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a fry pan and pour in the egg mixture. Leave to sit for 60 seconds.

  5. Using a spatular, gently push the eggs from the edges of the fry pan to the center. Tilt the pan so the runny egg mixture fills the hole and repeat. Once all egg mixture is cooked, remove from the pan.

  6. Lightly brush sourdough with olive oil and place face down on a sandwich press or fry pan until the edges are brown. Repeat for the other side.

  7. To plate up, arrange the mixed meats, side salad and sour dough on the plate. Just before serving, place the scrambled eggs atop the sourdough bread. Garnish with fresh cracked pepper.